Jazz is Legislated as a National American Treasure September
23, 1987 ______
In 1987, the US House of Representatives
and Senate passed a bill proposed by Democratic Representative John Conyers Jr. to define
jazz as a unique form of American music stating, among other things, "... that jazz is hereby designated as a rare and
valuable national American treasure to which we should devote our attention, support and resources to make certain it is
preserved, understood and promulgated." The bill passed in the House of Representatives on September 23, 1987 and in
the Senate on November 4, 1987.
Allison Miner Jazz Fest Founder Born on September 23, 1949 _____ By Eve Abrams, WWNO When the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival first began [the second incarnation of it] in
1969, it was radical...founders Quint Davis, George Wein, and Allison Miner created a safe space for New Orleanians to
come together, to hear each others’ music and to party -- together. Eve Abrams brings us this profile of Allison
Miner, a titan in New Orleans music, and the only person with a Jazz Fest stage named for her: For
many people, like me, Allison Miner was a name attached to the stage inside the grandstand where musicians talk more than
play. But then I started meeting people like Grant Morris, who became close with Miner when she managed Professor Longhair
for most of the 1980’s. Morris calls Allison, "one of the most important people in music history, in the history
of people who aren’t musicians."...Allison managed the Wild Magnolias, Rebirth Brass Band, Steve Masakowsi, and
most infamously, Professor Longhair. She was part nurturing mother, part hard-nosed business woman, and there was no line
between the musician and herself. They were like family...Allison Miner died at age 46 of bone marrow cancer. By that time,
she’d started the Jazz and Heritage Archive, helped launch WWOZ, and ensured that the Jazz Festival would be a non-profit
and part of a foundation. After she died [on December 23, 1995], the Music and Heritage stage was named in her honor. It’s
still the only Jazz Festival stage named for someone. Read the entire beautiful tribute to Allison Miner at WWNO.org
Theodore Jourdan Debuts For the White Sox September 18, 1916 _____ Born
in New Orleans on September 5, 1895, Theodore Charles Jourdan made his Major
League Baseball debut for the Chicago White Sox on September 18, 1916. He was a first baseman over parts of four
seasons (1916–1918, 1920) with Chicago. He complied a career batting average of .214 in
196 at-bats, with 11 RBIs. He ended his career in the majors on October 3, 1920 with
the White Sox with whom he played with for World Series championship in 1917 He died in New
Orleans, Louisiana at the age of 66 on September 23, 1961.
Jazzman Wooden Joe Nicholas is Born September 23, 1883 Born in New Orleans on September 23, 1883, jazzman Wooden Joe Nicholas was an active member of
the early New Orleans jazz scene. He knew Buddy Bolden and said Bolden was the main influence
on his cornet style. In 1915 he was playing clarinet with King Oliver. In addition
to forming the Camelia Brass Band in 1918, he was famous for his volume and endurance. Nicholas did not record until
1945 when he was 62 years old and again in 1949. He died in New Orleans on November 17, 1957. He was the uncle of clarinetist
Albert Nicholas.
Rudolph Matas Dies September
23, 1957 ______ Rudolph
Matas earned his degree from the Medical School of the University of Louisiana in 1880 at the age of nineteen. In 1889 he
was the first surgeon in the United States to use spinal anesthesia. During his career he developed the IV drip technique
and was the first to surgically repair aneurysms. Dr. Matas died on September 23, 1957, at the age of 97. Rudolph Matas Elementary
School in Metairie is named in his honor.
Lee Harvey Oswald Leaves New Orleans September 1963 ______
Oswald's friend, Ruth Paine, transported Marina and her child by car from New Orleans to the Paine home in Irving, Texas,
near Dallas, on September 23, 1963.
Lee Harvey Oswald stayed in New Orleans at least two more days to collect a $33 unemployment check. It is uncertain
when he left New Orleans; he is next known to have boarded a bus in Houston on September 26—bound for the Mexican
border, rather than Dallas—and to have told other bus passengers that he planned to travel to Cuba
via Mexico. He
arrived in Mexico City on September 27, where he applied for a transit visa at the Cuban Embassy. On a related note, on September 23, 2009 the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported the following:
Gadhafi points finger
at Israel over JFK assassination ____
Telegraphic Agency) — Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi insinuated that Israel was behind the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Speaking Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly, Gadhafi implied that
Israel may have plotted to kill Kennedy in 1963 because he allegedly wanted to launch a probe
into its clandestine nuclear program. “Jack Ruby, an Israeli, killed Lee Harvey
Oswald,” the Libyan leader was quoted by the translator as saying. “Why did this Israeli kill
Harvey? Ruby later died mysteriously. The whole world should know that Kennedy wanted to investigate
the actions of the Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona.”
An H5 Meteorite fell in New Orleans on September 23, 2003.
Dr. Barry Henry, 76, the Saenger's biggest fan, died on September 23,
2013, days before its reopening.
STORM VICTIMS September 23, 1909 Washington
Post Report ______
Gradually New Orleans and the territory
surrounding the Crescent City is recovering from the first effects of the tropical hurricane. DEATH LIST IS NOW 100 Gulf Region Struggles With Hurricane's Damage. RAILROADS ALL IN CONFUSION -- Southern
Louisiana and Mississippi Have an Immense Task to Restore Transportation and Wire Communication -- ''Lost" Train Found
-- Weather Bureau's Warnings of Storm Exact. -- Those engaged in the work of rescue and repair, made necessary by the West
Indian hurricane, which swept Louisiana and Mississippi last Monday have found their task a far more colossal one than they
expected. Practically all of the isolated country sections of the storm-swept area have now been explored, but until definite
reports have been received from relief parties it will not be possible to form anything like an accurate list of the dead
It Is Probable That Over Fifty Persons Have Perished on the Louisiana Coast -- GREATEST LOSS OF LIFE IN TERREBONNE PARISH
-- The Property Loss in Louisiana and Mississippi May Exceed $3,000,000---Great Destruction Wrought at Biloxi and Other Summer
Resorts Along the Coast. Miles of Territory Laid Waste. Death List in Terrebonne. Shipping Totally Destroyed. Additional News
Hurricane Rita September
23, 2005 ______ On
September 23, 2005, Rita also produced a storm surge of 4 to 7 feet in coastal areas of
southeastern Louisiana, flooding some areas that had been impacted by the surge from Hurricane
Katrina, including New Orleans, Slidell, and Mandeville. Some levees in southern Jefferson and
southern Terrebonne Parishes were overtopped or breached, as were a few repaired levees
in the New Orleans area including the Industrial Harbor Navigation (Industrial Canal). ).
This The surge prolonged the efforts to remove floodwatersfrom the New Orleans area. The approach of Rita provoked one the largest evacuations
in U.S. history. Media reports indicate that the number of evacuees in Texas could have exceeded numbers took place in
Louisiana. Rita's s storm surge devastated communities in coastal areas of southwestern Louisiana, including Holly Beach,
Cameron, Creole, and Grand Cheniere in Cameron Parish. Almost every structure in these areas was estroyed, and some were completely
swept away. Farther inland,
numerous homes in Grand Lake were damaged or destroyed. Many portions of the Lake Charles area suffered substantial flood
damage, including downtown and some surrounding residential communities. In Vermillion Parish, most structures in the town
of Pecan Island were destroyed, and dozens of other homes and businesses were flooded and damaged. Storm-surge
damage to homes and businesses in low lying areas occurred along the entire coast of Louisiana, although the impact
in the New Orleans area was not nearly as widespread as during Hurricane Katrina. From http://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/mwr/2005.pdf