October 18
Lee Harvey Oswald is Born in New Orleans October 18, 1939 
New Orleans Police Department photographic records. August 9, 1963 Lee
Harvey Oswald was born in the French Hospital at 1821 Orleans Avenue in New Orleans on
October 18, 1939 to Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Sr. and Marguerite Frances Claverie. Robert, Sr. died of
a heart attack two months prior to Lee's birth. Oswald had two older siblings—brother Robert Edward Lee Oswald, Jr.
and half-brother John Edward Pic. In 1944, Oswald's mother moved the family from New Orleans to Dallas. Oswald entered
the 1st grade in 1945 and over the next half-dozen years attended several different schools in the Dallas and Fort Worth
areas through the 6th grade. As a child, Oswald was described by several people who knew him as withdrawn and temperamental.
In August 1952, when Oswald was 12, his mother took him to New York City where they lived for a short time with Oswald's
half-brother, John Pic. Oswald and his mother were later asked to leave after an argument in which Oswald allegedly struck
his mother and threatened Pic's wife with a pocket knife. Oswald attended the 7th grade in the Bronx, New York but
was often truant, which led to a psychiatric assessment at a juvenile reformatory. The reformatory psychiatrist, Dr. Renatus
Hartogs, described Oswald as immersed in a "vivid fantasy life, turning around the topics of omnipotence and power,
through which [Oswald] tries to compensate for his present shortcomings and frustrations." Dr. Hartogs detected a "personality
pattern disturbance with schizoid features and passive-aggressive tendencies" and recommended continued treatment. In January 1954, Oswald's mother returned to New Orleans, taking Oswald with her. At the time, there
was a question pending before a New York judge as to whether Oswald should be removed from the care of his mother to finish
his schooling, although Oswald's behavior appeared to improve during his last months in New York. In New Orleans,
Oswald attended Beauregard Jurnior High and Warren Easton High -- completing the 8th and 9th grades and entering the
10th grade in 1955 but quit school after one month. After leaving school, Oswald worked for several months as an office
clerk and messenger in New Orleans. As a teenager, in 1955, Oswald attended Civil Air Patrol meetings in New Orleans.
Oswald's fellow cadets recalled him attending C.A.P. meetings "three or four" times, or "10 or 12 times"
over a one- or two-month period . Though the young Oswald had trouble spelling and writing coherently, he read voraciously.
By age 15, he claimed to be a Marxist, writing in his diary, "I was looking for a key to my environment, and then I discovered
socialist literature. I had to dig for my books in the back dusty shelves of libraries." At 16 he wrote to the Socialist
Party of America for information on their Young People's Socialist League, saying he had been studying socialist principles
for "well over fifteen months.' However, Edward Voebel, "whom the Warren Commission had established was Oswald's
closest friend during his teenage years in New Orleans...said that reports that Oswald was already 'studying Communism'
were a 'lot of baloney.' " Voebel said that "Oswald commonly read 'paperback trash.'" In
July 1956, Oswald's mother moved the family to Fort Worth, Texas and Oswald re-enrolled in the 10th grade for the September
session. A few weeks later in October, Oswald quit school at age 17 to join the Marines he never received a high school
diploma. By the age of 17, he had resided at 22 different locations and attended 12 different schools. Oswald returned
to New Orleans on April 24, 1963. What follows are some of his activities in the city based on W. Tracy Parnell's information: 
In 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald, his wife Marina, and their daughter June lived in the rear of the right
half of this double at 4907 Magazine Street, renting from landlords J. J. and Lena Garner. who lived in the same house
at 4911 Magazine. April 24, 1963: Ruth Paine, a friend of his wife Marina, drives Oswald to
the Housotn bus station, where he boards a bus bound for New Orleans. April 25, 1963: He moves
in with his aunt Lillian Murret at 757 French Street in Lakeview. Murret was the sisiter of his mother, Marguerite Oswald.
April 26, 1963: He visits the employment office in New Orleans. April 28,
1963: He makes an effort to contact relatives on his father's side. April 29, 1963: Files an appeal
concerning his unemployment benefits. May 9, 1963: With the help of Myrtle Evans, a long-time friend
of his mother, finds work at the William B. Reily Coffee Company whose owner, William Reily, was a backer of the Crusade to
Free Cuba Committee, an anti-Castro organization. Oswald worked as a machinery greaser for $1.50 per hour. He also
finds an apartment. May 10, 1963: Starts work at the William B. Reily Coffee Company and moves into
an apartment which was rented for $65 per month at 4907 Magazine St. (near Upperline) owned by Mrs. J. J. Garner of 4911 Magazine.
"He wouldn't speak to anyone", she said and reported that neighbors told her that he usually stayed home "sitting
on the porch reading all day long". May 11, 1963: Ruth, Marina, and June (his child) arrive
at the apartment. May 26, 1963: Oswald writes to the New York City headquarters of
the pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee, proposing to rent "...a small office at my own expense for the purpose of
forming a FPCC branch here in New Orleans." May 29, 1963: The FPCC responded
to Oswald's letter advising against opening a New Orleans office "at least not ... at the very beginning." In
a follow-up letter, Oswald replied, "Against your advice, I have decided to take an office from the very beginning."
As the sole member of the New Orleans chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Oswald ordered the following items from
Jones Printing Company, 422 Girod Street (near the Reily building): 500 application forms, 300 membership cards, and 1,000
leaflets with the heading, "Hands Off Cuba." According to Lee Oswald's wife Marina, Lee told her to sign the
name "A.J. Hidell" as chapter president on his membership card. June
3, 1963: Rents a new PO box, using A.J. Hidell as one of the people who will receive mail there. June
8, 1963: Marina is rejected for treatment at Charity Hospital, which infuriates Oswald. June 16,
1963: Distributes FPCC literature at the Dumaine Street wharf. June 24, 1963: Applies for a new
passport. July 6, 1963: Is invited by his cousin Eugene Murret to speak to a group of students at
the Jesuit House of Studies in Mobile, Alabama, where Eugene is studying to be a priest. July 11,
1963: Ruth invites Marina to live with her separately from Oswald. July 19, 1963:
He is fired from the Reily Coffee Company "...because his work was not satisfactory and because he spent too much
time loitering in Adrian Alba's garage next door (at 618 Magazine Street), where he read rifle and hunting magazines."
. July 22, 1963: He files a claim for unemployment benefits. July 25,
1963: His request for a review of his undesirable discharge from the military is denied. July 27,
1963: Speaks to the Jesuit group for 30 minutes on the subject of "Contemporary Russia and the Practice of Communism".
August 5 and 6, 1963: According to 29 year-old anti-Castro militant Carlos Bringuier,
Oswald visited him at Casa Boca (107 Decatur Street at Canal St. next to the Cusom House),
a store he owned. Bringuier was the New Orleans delegate for the Student Revolutionary Directorate (DRE), an anti-Castro
organization. Bringuier would later tell the Warren Commission that he believed Oswald's visits were an attempt by Oswald
to infiltrate his group. August 6, 1963: Leaves his Marine Corps manual at Bringuier's store.
August 9, 1963: Oswald distrubutes pro-Castro leaflets downtown. Bringuier
confronted Oswald, claiming he was tipped off about Oswald's activity by a friend. A scuffle ensued and Oswald, Bringuier,
and two of Bringuier's friends were arrested in the 700 block of Canal Street for disturbing the peace. He spend the night
in jail. August 10, 1963: A friend of the Murrets bails him out late in the afternoon.
Before leaving the police station, Oswald asked to speak with an FBI agent. Agent John Quigley arrived and spent over an
hour talking to Oswald. August 12, 1963: Pleads guilty to the charge of disturbing the peace
and is fined $10. August 16, 1963: Oswald passes out Fair Play for Cuba leaflets
with two hired helpers in front of the International Trade Mart. The incident was filmed by WDSU—the local TV station.
August 17, 1963: Radio commentator William Stuckey from radio station WDSU visits
him and asks him to appear on the program Latin Listening Post. He arrived at the station at 5:00 PM and taped a 37-minute
segment, which was cut to 4 and a half minutes and broadcast at 7:30 that evening. Stuckey also invites him to take part in
a radio debate with Carlos Bringuier and Bringuier's associate Edward Butler, head of the right-wing Information Council
of the Americas (INCA). August 19, 1963: Accepts Stuckey's offer to debate Bringuier and Butler
on live radio. August 21, 1963: Debates Bringuier and Butler, on the program Conversation
Carte Blanche, which runs from 6:05 to 6:30 PM. September 17, 1963: Obtains a tourist card good
for one visit to Mexico City from the Mexican consulate in New Orleans. September
20, 1963: Ruth visits the Oswalds, and it is decided that Marina will return to Irving, Texas with Ruth for the birth
of their second child. September 23, 1963: Ruth and Marina leave for Irving. September 25, 1963: Oswald collects his unemployment check of $33. Later that day he catches a bus bound for
Houston. According to his landlord, Mrs. J. J. Garner, he owed about 15 days rent and according to his landlady "All
he left was an empty carton of beer cans". A 1988 Times-Picayune article looked back at Oswald's
time in New Orleans during the summer of 1963: Kerry and Diane West who then occupied the Magazine Street home the Oswald's
had rented were interviewed. Diane remembered Oswald from her childhood when she lived in the same neighborhood.
She described him as a reclusive figure who wore a old felt hat and a faded trenchcoat who scolded his child in Russian.
She remembered that he dug in neighbors' garbage cans for discarded newspapers and magazines. She said, "He never
talked to anyone. He was sneaky". Another neighbor, Catherine Schmitt said, "Most of the time he walked backwards"
and "Spent most of his time looking at the sky". She said Marina was seldom seen outside. Adrian
Alba, who owned a garage near the Reily building, had somewhat befriended Oswald who spent much time playing hookie from work
at his business. Oswald enjoyed reading Alba's gun and hunting magazines and discussing guns with him. Oswald had even
invited Alba several times to his home to see his "gun collection" but never set a time and date. While working
at Reily, Oswald, like his co-workers, often had lunch at Martin's Restaurant at 701 Tchoupitoulas, which was near the
buisness, but he sat alone in a booth near the back of the restaurant. Marina said that she and Lee
went to the French Quarter but didn't have enough money to eat in any of the restaurants. The Oswalds took their daughter
to Audubon Park and the zoo. Oswald's 1963 New Orleans activities were investigated by New
Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, as part of his prosecution of Clay Shaw in 1967-1969. Garrison was particularly interested
in an associate of Guy Banister (a private detective and former/if not then current FBI agent)
and David Ferrie. In 1993, the PBS television program Frontline obtained a photograph taken in 1955 (eight years before
the assassination) showing Oswald and Ferrie at a Civil Air Patrol cookout with other C.A.P. cadets. (Whether Oswald's and
Ferrie's association in the Civil Air Patrol in 1955 is relevant to their later possible association in 1963 is a subject
of debate.) (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Harvey_Oswald)
Former Saint's coach Bum Phillips died on October 18, 2013 at the age of 90.
Governor James Albert Noe died in Houston on October 18, 1976. Born on December
21, 1890, he served in World War I as a first lieutenant of the 369th Infantry in France. Active in Democratic
party, he was elected to the state senate from the 29th Senatorial District (Ouachita and Jackson parishes). In 1932
he was the floor leader for Huey Long's administration and was appointed lieutenant governor in 1934. He became the Governor
of Louisiana, serving from January through May 1936, following the death of Gov. O. K. Allen. He later returned to the senate
until 1940. Noe made unsuccessful runs for governor in 1940 and 1959. He was active in the oil and gas industry, with operations
in Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana, both as producer and overriding royalty owner. He oOwned and operated farms in Indiana
and Ouachita and Tensas parishes, most notably, the Whitehall Plantation in Monroe. In 1936 Noe founded WNOE-AM
and FM radio stations in New Orleans, established Monroes KNOE-AM and FM radio stations in 1944, and KNOE-TV in
1953. In 1971 he was awarded an honorary LL. D. degree from Northeast Louisiana University. (From http://lahistory.org/site.php?pageID=31)
Wynton Marsalis was born in New Orleans on October 18, 1961, to Ellis and Dolores Marsalis, the
second of six sons. At an early age he exhibited a superior aptitude for music and a desire to participate in American culture.
At age eight Wynton performed traditional New Orleans music in the Fairview Baptist Church band led by legendary banjoist
Danny Barker, and at 14 he performed with the New Orleans Philharmonic. During high school Wynton performed with the New
Orleans Symphony Brass Quintet, New Orleans Community Concert Band, New Orleans Youth Orchestra, New Orleans Symphony, various
jazz bands and the popular local funk band, the Creators. At age 17 Wynton became the youngest musician ever to be
admitted to Tanglewood’s Berkshire Music Center. Despite his youth, he was awarded the school’s prestigious
Harvey Shapiro Award for outstanding brass student. Wynton moved to New York City to attend Juilliard in 1979. When he began
to pick up gigs around town, the grapevine began to buzz. In 1980 Wynton seized the opportunity to join the Jazz Messengers
to study under master drummer and bandleader Art Blakey. It was from Blakey that Wynton acquired his concept for band leading
and for bringing intensity to each and every performance. In the years to follow Wynton performed with Sarah Vaughan, Dizzy
Gillespie, Sweets Edison, Clark Terry, Sonny Rollins, Ron Carter, Herbie Hancock, Tony Williams and countless other jazz
legends. This and much more at wintonmarsalis.org.
The Greater New Orleans Mississippi River Bridge formally opened to
traffic on October 18, 1958. Photo at http://nutrias.org/exhibits/algiers/algtitleb.jpg
Sculptor Angela Gregory was born in New Orleans on October 18, 1903. Strongly
influenced by her mother, Selina Bres Gregory, who was an early Newcomb potter who
studied at Newcomb College with William Woodward and Ellsworth Woodward, Angela was also
a student of Ellsworth Woodward and she graduated from Newcomb in 1925 with a Bachelor of Arts in design. She became
one of the few women of her era to be recognized nationally in a field generally dominated by men. Her first major commission
was at the age of 25 and was for the architectural sculpture on the façade of the New Orleans
Criminal District Courts Building. Upon completion, news reached as far as New York; the headline in the September
25, 1930 issue of the New York Sun read: "Prison Walls Made Less Grim by Girl Sculptor, Who at 25 Executes
Many Important Commissions". In 1931, Gregory worked on a team of sculptors who executed historical panels for
the façade of a new state capitol building in Baton Rouge built during the administrations
of Governor Huey Long. Other work from this period includes a head of Aesculapius on the Hutchinson Memorial Building in Tulane
Medical Center, sculpture for Tulane University’s McAlister Auditorium and many portrait busts. From 1934 to 1937
she returned Newcomb College to teach ceramics and later was an artist-in-residence and sculpture professor there.
Gregory was involved in federal arts programs during the Depression. As part of that work, she created a monumental bust of
John McDonough that was installed
in City Hall's Duncan Plaza. In 1941, she became state supervisor of the Federal Works Progress Administration arts program
in Louisiana. During World War II she served as an assistant architectural engineer for the Army
Corps of Engineers in New Orleans and designed camouflage. Later in that time period she served as women’s
counselor for Pendleton Shipyards, and as a consultant to the Celotex Corporation. After the war she returned to sculpture.
Commissions included bas-relief murals for the Louisiana National Bank in Baton Rouge. She
also restored sculptures on New Orleans’ Gallier Hall. In the 1950s, she devoted five years to the creation and
casting of the bronze Bienville Monument, which stood outside the New Orleans train station on Loyola Avenue for many years.
It now stands in a small park near the French Quarter, at the intersection of Decatur and Conti
Streets. The monument portrays the first French governor and founder of New Orleans, a priest, and an Indian. Gregory
spent two years in France supervising the casting of the monument. Gregory was a professor and sculptor-in-residence for
two decades at the St. Mary’s Dominican College in New Orleans, and was named professor
emerita when she retired in 1976. During her years at Dominican, she created a series of aluminum and walnut panels tracing
the life of Pope John XXIII at the Dominican College library. Other work of that era included a statue of St. Louis for
the Archdiocese of New Orleans’ Notre Dame Seminary, and a statue of St. Fiacre in
the garden of Christ Church Cathedral. In the early 1960s, she sculpted the monument to Henry
Watkins Allen in Port Allen, Louisiana. Gregory is often credited
with being one of the few women sculptors of her era to complete three public monuments. Gregory’s Pine Street studio
was a “meeting place for musicians, diplomats, distinguished guests from France, writers like close friend Thornton
Wilder, and actors like Kirk Douglas, whose wedding reception was in her studio.” She died in New Orleans on
February 13, 1990.
Joseph Wiltz, owner of a plantation, measuring about four arpents front on the Mississippi,
which he had acquired by act before P. Pedesclaux, Notary, on October 18, 1800, had H. Laclotte,
Surveyor, on June 22, 1807, make a plan of part of his At the time Mr. Wiltz sold these lots, he abandoned
in perpetuity in favor of the various purchasers of said lots, the space between the front lots and the Public Road, the pasture
and the cypress swamp in the rear which were to be enjoyed by them in common with the sole condition that the purchasers should
send in the common pasture only three head of animals for each lot and should cut wood in the swamps for their private use
and not for sale. On January 30, 1838, by act before Francois Joseph Enoul Dugue Livaudais, Judge and ex-officio
Notary of Jefferson Parish, the proprietors of these lots made a partition of the front, batture and rear of the tract. The
heirs of Joseph Wiltz sued the owners of the lots, and claimed the front, batture and rear. The supreme Court in the case
of Arnauld vs. Delachaise (rendered in 1849) decided that the property belonged to the owners of the lots for the reason that
Joseph Wiltz at the time that he had sold the same had abandoned in perpetuity to the purchasers of said lots, the front,
the batture and the rear. Faubourg Plaisance was bounded below by the Plantation of Jacques Francois Enoul de Livaudais (which
boundary is now Toledano Street) and above by the Plantation of Philippe Pierre August Delachaise (now
Delachaise Street).
BARRETT, John Augustus, funeral director, politician. Born, Algiers, Orleans Parish,
La., October 31, 1865; son of Micheal [sic] John Barrett and Johanna Kirby. Education: New Orleans Public
schools, Western College of Embalming, Iowa City, Iowa. Employed by V. & A. Meyer Cotton Dealers; clerk, Southern Pacific
Railroad Company; owner, real estate firm and funeral undertaking establishment. President, Directors' Association of Louisiana
for several years; member, city council of New Orleans for four years, representing the Fifteenth Ward, 1904-1908; chairman
of campaign committee of state Democratic ticket of Judge N. C. Blanchard (q.v.) for governor, 1904. President, seven years,
of Young Men's Social and Benevolent Association; filled all the chairs of the Halcyon Lodge No. 66, Knights of Pythias,
representative to the Grand Lodge several times. Member, board of managers of Orange Camp No. 9, W.O.W.; prominent member
of A.O.U.W.; secretary, 1895-1896, junior warden, 1902, of the Saints John Masonic Lodge No. 153, F & A.M.; Catholic.
Married, October 30, 1895, Imogene Isabella Cassidy of New Orleans, daughter of John Cassidy and Jane Henderson Bruce.
Children: twins, John Bruce (q.v.) and Michael Kirby (b. 1896), John Augustus, Jr. (b. 1897), Imogene (b. 1899), Helen
(b. 1901), O'Neill (b. 1903), Cassidy Francis (b. 1906), Wilson Joseph (b. 1908), Viola (b. 1912). Died: October
18, 1921, New Orleans; interred Metairie Cemetery. C.M.B. Sources: J. A. Barrett family records; birth certificate,
marriage certificate, and death certificate, New Orleans Vital Records; Dr. C. V. Kraft, The Herald, Vol. XIII, special
edition; marriage certificate, Holy Name of Mary Church, Algiers, La.; obituary, New Orleans Times-Picayune and Algiers
Herald; Louisiana census, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910. From http://lahistory.org/site19.php