30, 1866
Illustration from Harper's Weekly
On July 30, 1866
New Orleans descended into racial violence that, by the end of the day, would leave an estimated 38 individuals dead and dozens
Racial tensions, which were already high soon after the close of the Civil War, flared after
African Americans were denied the right to vote. The enactment of the so-called “Black Codes” infuriated Republicans
determined to secure citizenship rights for all Americans, and they ultimately reconvened the Louisiana Constitutional Convention
in hopes of seizing control of the state government.
During a break in the Convention, violence broke
out between armed white supremacists and African Americans marching in support of suffrage—and the African Americans
were not prepared for the fight. Unarmed African Americans were attacked and murdered, and many law enforcement officials
perpetrated the crimes.
The riot did not last long; it was suppressed the same day. However, an estimated
38 people died, all but a few of whom were African Americans. The city existed under martial law for several days.
riot—and others like it—shocked the country and convinced many Northerners that firm action was needed to control
ex-Confederates. After Republicans gained control of Congress that fall, they quickly put Reconstruction policies into effect.
From https://lcrm.lib.unc.edu/blog/index.php/2012/07/30/on-this-day-the-new-orleans-race-riot-of-1866/
NOPL New Orleans Fire Department Photograph Collection photographs, July 30, 1976:
Nolan J. Delatte, John B. Gullo, Forest L. Blakeman, Chief William J. McCrossen, Gary A. DeLucca, Henry L. Beba, Fred A. Reiser.
Firefighter Warren P. Verberne, Jr. is the proud father of Miss Petite Louisiana, Yvette "Candy" Verberne.
On July 30, 1975, St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 (bounded by Basin, St. Louis, Conti, and Treme Streets) and
St. Louis Cemetery No. 2 (bounded by Claiborne, Robertson, St. Louis, and Iberville Streets) were
entered into the National Register of Historic Places.
NOPL WPA Photos -- Municipal Yacht Harbor under construction, July 30. 1939.
Noting the pace of WPA work around the tennis courts the New Orleans Item reported on July 30,
1936, "This crew of WPA workers on the City Park project under Supt. Denis Flynn, yesterday broke the Louisiana
record, and it is believed, the national record for laying sidewalk paving. In one day they laid 700 lineal feet of 6 1/2
foot wide sidewalk”.
On July 30, 1923, Sidney Bechet made his first recordings. The session was led by
Clarence Williams, a pianist and songwriter, better known at that time for his music publishing and record producing. Bechet
recorded "Wild Cat Blues" and "Kansas City Man Blues". "Wild Cat Blues" is in a multi-thematic
ragtime tradition, with four themes, at sixteen bars each, and "Kansas City Man Blues" is a genuine 12-bar blues.
Bechet interpreted and played each uniquely, and with outstanding creativity and innovation for the time. (Wiki)
BAUDIER, Joseph Roger, historian, Creole chronicler, journalist, editor, educator, Catholic lay leader.
Born, New Orleans, July 30, 1893; son of Jean Alexandre Baudier II and Louise Angela Baudier. Orphaned at
age six and reared by Mariana Clementine Lamothe (1817-1908), who filled his childhood with Creole stories and traditions.
Education: attended St. Philip's School in French Quarter, 1898-1906; St. Anthony College (seminary), Santa Barbara, Calif.,
1909-1913. Elementary teacher at St. Francis Orphanage, Watsonville, Calif., 1913-1918; military service with Eighth Division,
U. S. Army, 1918-1919. Clerk for Southern Pacific Railroad in New Orleans, 1919-1927; commercial artist, free lance writer,
and trade journal and religious editor, including The Mixer, 1927-1934; associate editor, 1932-1941, and editor, 1941-1949,
of Catholic Action of the South; trade journal editor, including The Dough Boy, and first appointed historian of the Archdiocese
of New Orleans, 1949-1960. Married Mary Mabel Demarest of New Orleans, April 19, 1922. Children: Mary Mabel; Joseph Roger,
Jr.; and Ann Marie. Major books: The Catholic Church in Louisiana (1939); The Eighth National Eucharistic Congress (1941);
Anchor and Fleur-de-Lis: Knights of Columbus in Louisiana, 1902-1962 (with Millard Everett, 1965); and many major historical
supplements of Catholic Action of the South. Authored more than 50 monographs and innumerable articles on Catholic parishes,
organizations, and institutions in Louisiana. Major trade journal series included history of sanitation in New Orleans (The
Southern Plumber, 1930-1932) and history of bread-making customs of Indians of the Southwest (The Mixer, 1932). Organizer
and first secretary, 1932-1934, of Louisiana State Bakers Association. Authored weekly column, "Historic Old New Orleans,"—a
major source of Creole traditions, folklore, and beliefs—in Catholic Action of the South (January 15, 1933, to November
12, 1960). Active in Knights of Columbus, Catholic Committee of the South, Archconfraternity of St. Ann, Associated Catholic
Charities, and Holy Name Society. Handled publicity for numerous Catholic events and organizations, 1925-1960. Vigorous proponent
of workers' rights and staunch supporter of Archbishop Joseph Rummel (q.v.) in desegregation efforts. Helped design monstrance
used in 1938 Eucharistic Congress and exhibited at 1984 Louisiana World Exhibition. Honors: Knight of St. Gregory (1943);
France's Palmes Academiques (1949); honorary LL.D. from Notre Dame Seminary (1958). Died, New Orleans, November 12, 1960;
interred St. Louis Cemetery III. C.E.N. Sources: Baudier Collections in Archives of the Archldiocese of New Orleans; Baudier
Family Papers; personal research notes for biography of Joseph Roger Baudier (in preparation). From http://lahistory.org/site19.php