Robert E. Lee Returns
January 19, 1954
January 19, 1954. the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee was hoisted back up to his pedestal. The year before, major
renovations to the deteriorating foundation of the seventy-year-old Lee Monument, required that the statue of Robert E. Lee
and its tall pedestal be dismantled and stored away. When the repairs were completed, the statue was replaced and General
Lee resumed his perch over Lee Circle, with his back to the North. [Louisiana Photograph Collection. General Interest
Collection] (Photo and text from the New Orleans Public Library)
Prior to the erection of the monument in February 1884, the location was known as Tivoli Circle.The bronze
statue that tops the Doric column was sculpted by Alexander Doyle who also designed the massive
bronze equestrian of General P. G. T. Beauregard at the entrance to City Park (1915); and the bronze statue of General Albert Sydney Johnston atop the Army of the Tennessee cenotaph and “Calling the Roll”
(1885), a marble of an unknown Confederate soldier (both in Metairie Cemetery), and the statue of Margaret Haughery
(1889) off St. Charles Avenue near the Interstate.
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Father Antonio de Sedella, better known as Pere Antoine, a Capuchin friar, passed away on January 19, 1829
amid the love and tears of the whole city. This wonderful old man, adored for his benevolence, came to the province of
Louisiana in 1779. He is supposed to have performed nearly one half of the marriage and funeral ceremonies for the inhabitants
of the city, until his death, at the ripe old age of 90. He lies buried at the foot of the altar of the St. Louis Cathedral,
of which he was the Cure (or pastor) for the parish, for nearly fifty years. The St. Louis Cathedral, an ancient and
interesting edifice of New Orleans facing Jackson Square or “Place d’Arms” as it was known in those days,
stands today on the very site where the first house of worship was erected by Bienville and his pioneers in 1718. It is
filled with historic lore and has witnessed the principal events which occurred since the founding of the city up to the
present time. The local Masonic Fraternities took a conspicuous part in the funeral procession. A notice in the Louisiana
Courier of 1829 reads as follows: “Masons of all rites and of all degrees, to you we address ourselves, remember
that Father Antoine never refused to accompany to their last abode the mortal remains of our brethren and that gratitude
now requires that we should in turn accompany him with respect and veneration he so well deserved.”
Jefferson Parish Police Jury authorizes $2,500,000 in parish bond issue funds on Monday January
19, 1953 to State Highway Department for construction of a tunnel under the Inter-coastal Canal at Harvey.
Also discusses proposed 11 1/4 mile extension of the West Bank Expressway to link to the tunnel. Jury President J. J.
Holtgreve said funds are the parish' contribution to the $7,000,000 expressway which will connect with Highway 90 East with
the proposed Mississippi River bridge. Hugh M. Wilkerson Sr., attorney for Freeport Sulfer Company protested the route as
it would disrupt operations of the company's freight terminal on the Harvey Canal. Parish officials expect completion
of the project in 1955 which will relieve traffic to the bridge along 4th Street in Gretna.
Charles Francis Buck, congressman. Born,
Durrheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, November 5, 1841. Immigrated to the United States, 1852, with his parents
who died in the yellow-fever epidemic of 1853 in New Orleans. Education: Fisk High School of New Orleans, graduated
1861; attended Louisiana State Seminary and Military Academy at Alexandria, La., assistant professor of Latin and Mathematics
until the seminary closed. Studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1867 and commenced practice in New Orleans; gave
up law practice for two years to travel as an actor. Resumed practice in New Orleans. Married Mary A. Weidner
in 1870. Children: Charles F., Jr., Regina, Ida, Cora, and Nina. Member, school board of New Orleans;
city attorney of New Orleans, 1880-1884; was a spokesman for the New Orleans German-American community; spoke French and
German as well as English; was a Shakespearean scholar and active member of dramatic clubs of New Orleans. Member,
Germania Lodge, grand-master of the state; a Thirty-third Degree Mason and a member of the Grand Council in Washington,
D. C. Elected as a Democrat to the Fifty-fourth Congress (March 4, 1895-March 3, 1897); declined to be a candidate for reelection
in 1896. Resumed the practice of law; unsuccessful candidate for mayor of New Orleans, 1896, and again in 1904.
Member of the supreme court board of examiners for admission to the bar, 1898-1900. Died, New Orleans, January
19, 1918; interred Metairie Cemetery. J.B.C. Sources: Biographical Directory of the American
Congress, 1774-1949 1950); John F. Nau, The German People
of New Orleans, 1850-1900 (1958); John S. Kendall, History
of New Orleans (1922); New Orleans Times-Picayune, obituary, January 20, 1918. From http://lahistory.org/site19.php
Judah Touro, born on June 16, 1775 in (Newport, Rhode Island, was
an American businessman and philanthropist. In New Orleans, he used his business profits to buy and endow a cemetery,
and to build a synagogue, an almshouse and an infirmary for sailors suffering from yellow fever, as well as a Unitarian church
for a minister named Mr.Theodore Clapp whom he greatly admired. The infirmary became the largest free hospital in Louisiana,
the Touro Infirmary. He was a major contributor to many Christian charities in New Orleans, as well as to such varied causes
as the American Revolutionary War monument at Bunker Hill, and the relief of victims of a large fire in Mobile, Alabama. In
a New Orleans fund-raising drive for Christians suffering persecution in Jerusalem, he gave ten times more than any other
donor. One profile of Touro particularly praised his willingness to give both to Jewish and non-Jewish religious causes: "An
admirable trait evinced, was the unsectarian distribution of charity, while the donor ever continued a strict adherent to
the principles of his faith." His $20,000 donation to The Jews' Hospital in New York City (now Mount Sinai Hospital)
led to its opening in 1855. He died on January 19, 1854 in New Orleans. (WIKI)
The Conseil de Ville resolved and approved, on January 19, 1832, that the mayor
shall have $300.00 paid to Mr. George Weiss, on account on his contract for the inscription of names on streets.
Edouard Edmund Bermudez, jurist. Born, New Orleans, January 19, 1832; son of Joachim
Bermudez and Emma Troxler. Education: Boyer's Academy; Spring Hill College, B. A., 1851; read law in Kentucky
under federal judge Thomas B. Monroe, 1852; University of Louisiana, LL. B., 1853; St. John's College (Fordham, N. Y.),
LL. D. (date unknown). Married Amanda Elizabeth Maupassant, January 1853. Children: Edward J., Ferdinand,
Alzira, and Jeanne (only known names). Career: admitted to bar, 1853; practiced law, New Orleans, 1853-1861;
1867-1880. Civil War service: private, Company E, New Orleans Guards Regiment, Louisiana militia, 1862.
Political career: delegate to Louisiana secession convention, 1861; signed secession ordinance; assistant city attorney,
New Orleans, 1865-1867; chief justice, Louisiana Supreme Court, 1880-1892. Died, New Orleans, August 22, 1892.
C.A.B. Sources: New Orleans Daily Picayune, August
23, 1892; Louisiana Reporters, 1880-1892; Andrew B. Booth,
comp., Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers (1920);
Who Was Who in America, Historical Volume, 1607-1896.
From http://lahistory.org/site19.php