December 12
Doors Last Live Performance Ever at A Warehouse Young New Orleanians were excited to scoop up $5.00 general admission tickets to the Beaver Production 8
P.M show at A Warehouse, at 1820 Tchoupitoulas on December 12, 1970, which were available at popular
venues such as Far Out, Sound City, and Fat Head. The enthusiastic audience unwittingly witnessed the final live performance
of the The Doors that night. The intended playlist for the evening included Roadhouse Blues, Back Door Man, Love
Her Madly, When The Music's Over, Riders On The Storm (Beginning), Ship Of Fools, Crawling King Snake, L.A. Woman,
Hyacinth House, Maggie M'Gill, Been Down So Long, Hoochie Coochie Man, Who Do You Love, Palace In The Canyon
(Poem), Light My Fire, Love Me Two Times, Riders On The Storm, Soul Kitchen, and The End
The band
intended to introduce new songs, never heard before, during this two-date tour to promote their upcoming album L.A. Woman.
Midway through the show Jim Morrison could not remember the lyrics to songs he's sung so many times before. Instead
he told a rambling "joke" that the audience didn't "get" while he reportedly clung to the microphone stand
which seemed to be all that was holding him upright. The band cut off the "joke" with an introduction to "Light
My Fire". Morrison ambled over to the drum stand and sat and sung until the last verse when John Densmore nudged
Morrison with his foot. Morrison rose and began smashing the microphone stand into the stage. Then he threw down
the microphone, and walked off A Warehouse stage -- the last stage on which he would ever perform. After
the show, Densmore, keyboardist Ray Manzarek, and guitarist Robby Krieger met to decide to end their live act, mutually
agreeing that they would not again perform on stage with Morrison. Morrison and the band went on to record "L.A.
Woman", after which Morrison went to Paris while band members worked on remixing the album which was released in April,
1971. On July 31, 1971 James Douglas "Jim" Morrison was found dead in a Paris apartment bathtub by his
long-time companion Pamela Courson. He was 27 years old. Kansas also played that night. Photo
Fifth ranked Archbishop Rumme High School won the LHSAA Division I State Championship in the Mercedes-Benz
Superdome against the number three ranked C.E. Byrd High of Shreveport in the Division I State Championship in the Mercedes-Benz
Superdome on December 12, 2013 with a score of 23-22. Rummel quarterback Chase Fourcade was named
the game's outstanding player.
Thin Lizzy, New England, and Code Blue performed at A Warehouse on December 12, 1980 --exactly 10 years
after The Doors last stage performance at the same venue.
CASTELLANOS, Henry C., attorney, journalist. Born, New Orleans,
December 12, 1827; son of Cadiz native, Juan José, who had immigrated in 1816 and of New Orleans-born
Manuela Sanchez. Education: Georgetown College, District of Columbia, and St. Mary College, Baltimore, graduated in 1847.
Returned to New Orleans where he read law in the office of Christian Roselius (q.v.) while studying law at the University
of Louisiana (now Tulane University). Admitted to the Louisiana bar, 1848, practiced law for several years. Taught for a while
in New Orleans public schools and contributed to several newspapers including L'Abeille, the Delta, and the Courrier. Removed
to Franklin, La.; founded, 1857, the Attakapas Register. In 1858, returned to New Orleans and the practice of law. Served
in the artillery during the Civil War. In 1877, defended scalawag ex-governor J. Madison Wells (q.v.) and Gen. Thomas Anderson
(q.v.) accused, as members of the Board of Election Returns, of having given the 1876 Louisiana electoral votes to Rutherford
B. Hayes. In 1892, began publication, in the Times-Democrat, of articles later collected under the titles New Orleans As It
Was (1895). Active in Democratic party politics in the 1890s and the defense of the Louisiana Lottery. Died, New Orleans,
August 7, 1896. Source:
The most significant cold spell of the century for the Deep South took place December 22-26, 1989.
New Orleans experienced 64 consecutive hours at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit and a total of 81 out of 82 hours below freezing.
A total of 15 hours were below 15 degrees with the lowest reading of 11 degrees on the morning of the 23rd. Snow and ice covered
the ground in New Orleans. Source:ttp://
December 12, 1960 – The Supreme Court of the United States upholds a lower Federal Court ruling that the State of Louisiana's laws on racial
segregation laws are unconstitutional, and overturns them.
BROWNLEE, John, politician. Born, Belfast, Ireland, January 22, 1818. Immigrated
to the United States at age 13, and received his citizenship papers, October 1847. Confederate service: Company
"B", Ninth Regiment, First Brigade, Duvergé Guards, Parish of Orleans, Right Bank, Algiers Battalion, Louisiana
Militia. Served as treasurer, Duvergé Guards. (This organization was also known as Capt. James T. Anderson's
Company, Algiers Battalion, Louisiana Militia). Married, Janaury 21, 1843, Mary Ann Spence of New York City. Children:
Elizabeth (b. 1845), William Thomas (b. 1848), Edward (b. 1850), John, Jr. (b. 1851), Charles Henry (q.v.), Emma Louisa (b.
1859), Ella G. (b. 1862). Active in Democratic party; president, Orleans Parish Police Jury; justice of the peace; Orleans
Parish comptroller of licenses; constable, Algiers, 1861; member, Saints John Lodge No. 153, F. & A.M., Masonic Lodge,
served as senior deacon, 1862, secretary, 1865. Died, New Orleans, December 12, 1869; interred Odd
Fellows Rest and Cemetery. C.M.B. Sources: C. V. Kraft, The Herald, Vol. XIII, special edition, p. 112;
Gardner's New Orleans Directory—Government of Algiers; family bible and family papers; Succession of John Brownlee,
Petition No. 38051, Second District Court of Algiers, 5th District, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana; Civil War Record:
Card no. 47011809, Veterans Records, National Archives, Washington, D. C.; Official records from Saints John Lodge No. 153,
F. & A.M., Algiers, 5th District of New Orleans, La.; New Orleans Vital Records; Odd Fellow Rest and Cemetery Records
and Vault #589 inscriptions; Louisiana census: 1850, 1860, 1870. From
December 12, 1943: