The Biloxi Canning Company was incorporated at New Orleans on February 5, 1909. The owners and their equity in the company
were: WA Gordon-215 shares, Charles Patten-10 shares, and Mrs. Mary B. White, a widow-25 shares. From --- TAILOR SUES LIEUTENANT | Guardsman Bille Owes
Stein $120 and Is Arrested in New York. Court to Decide How Far Government Can Go in Aiding Merchant to Collect a Bill. |
The Washington Post |
New York Feb. 5. -- The question of
how far the United States government can go in aiding a tailor to collect his bill from a tardy customer was at least partly
thrashed out in open court today when the examination of Lieut. Waldemar H. Bille a second lieutenant in the Louisiana National
Guard began before United States Commissioner Shields.