summer retreat for New Orleanians since the early 1800's.
By the time of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Chiconcte (Madisonville) and Barrio of Buck Falia (Covington) had begun
to develop as trade and transportation centers. The Port of Bayou St. John in New Orleans began trade excursions across Pontchartrain
to the settlements, and vessels began to be built on the Northshore. So began an industry in Madisonville which continues
today. Source:
1803 Declaration-...the town of Bayoue St. John shall be a port of delivery An Act for Laying And Collecting
Duties or Imports and Tonnage within the Territories Ceded to the United States, by the Treaty of the Thirtieth of April,
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Three, Between the United States and the French Republic, and for Other Purposes: SEC. 4. And
be it further enacted, That, to the end that the laws providing for the collection of the duties imposed, by law, on goods,
wares and merchandise, imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships and vessels, and the laws respecting the
revenue and navigation of the United States, may be carried into effect within the said territories, the territories ceded
to the United States by the treaty above mentioned, and also all the navigable waters, rivers, creeks, bays, and inlets, lying
within the United States, which empty into the Gulf of Mexico, east of the river Mississippi, shall be annexed to the Mississippi
district, and shall, together with the same, constitute one district, to be called the 'District of Mississippi.' The city
of New Orleans shall be the sole port of entry in the said district, and the town of Bayou e St. John shall be a port of delivery,
a collector, naval officer, and surveyor shall be appointed to reside at New Orleans, and a surveyor shall e be appointed
to reside at the port of Bayou St. John; and the President of the United States is hereby authorized to appoint, not exceeding
three surveyors, to reside at such other places, within the said district, as he shall deem expedient, and to constitute each,
or either of such places ports of delivery only. And so much of any law or laws, as establishes a district on the river Mississippi,
south of the river Tennessee, is hereby repealed, except as to the recovery and receipt of such of duties on goods, wares
and merchandise, and on the tonnage of ships c or vessels, as shall have accrued, and as to the recovery and distribution
of fines, penalties, and forfeitures, which shall have been incurred before the commencement of the operation of this act.
Source: By the time of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Chiconcte (Madisonville)
and Barrio of Buck Falia (Covington) had begun to develop as trade and transportation centers. The Port of Bayou St. John
in New Orleans began trade excursions across Pontchartrain to the settlements, and vessels began to be built on the Northshore.
So began an industry in Madisonville which continues today. Source:
