West End (so called because it sat at the western boundary of New Orleans at the lake) was celebrated in song by
the New Orleans Owls in their 1926 rendition of West End Romp but immortalized by Louis Armstrong's 19?????? "West End Blues".
The famous " Shell Road" is one of the specialties of New Orleans, It extends for about six miles back to Lake Pontchartrain.
The road is built upon piles, by which it is raised a few feet above the swamp. Its surface is composed of the shells of a
species of clam, of which vast embankments are found on the lake. These are ground down and packed together by the pressure
of innumerable wheels and hoofs, into a compact body as white, and almost as firm, as solid marble. It furnishes one of the
most delightful drives in the world.
New Canal Lighthouse West End Blvd. and Lakeshore Dr. New Orleans 12/30/1985 National
Register of Historic Places
Location: LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN CANAL ENTRANCE Station Established: 1838 Year
Current Tower(s) First Lit: 1901 Operational? YES Automated? YES Deactivated: n/a Foundation Materials: PILE
W/PLATFORM Construction Materials: WOOD Tower Shape: SQUARE Markings/Pattern: WHITE W/RED ROOF Relationship
to Other Structure: INTEGRAL Original Lens: FIFTH ORDER
Source: www.uscg.mil/.../ WEBLIGHTHOUSES/LHLA.html