Sitting Figures, 1979-80, Lynn Chadwick (British, 1914-2003)
66” x 33” x 56”
Chadwick was born in London in 1914 and was educated at Merchant Taylor’s School of Arch-itecture. After
serving as a pilot in World War II, he continued his architectural work until 1946. Chadwick then started his own firm designing
textiles, furniture and architecture. This company was successful and allowed him the free-dom to experiment with sculpture.
1956, Chadwick was awarded the First Prize at the pres-tigious Venice Biannual, beating the great Italian sculptor Alberto
Giacometti. Chadwick became friends with Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth, two
artists also featured in the Sculpture Garden.
He began his career by designing mobiles based on insect and bird forms. Eventually, his work progressed
from light and airy to massive and heavy. His sculptures became monumental, abstracted, human forms
that sat or reclined on the ground. The figures were usually created in pairs and represented powerful, regal couples