Courtesy Henry Harmison |
The Lost Goddess of City Park (concrete) depicting a standing female figure holding a cloud.
Enrique Alferez worked in New Orleans from the 1930's through the 1990's.

The Flute Player in the Azalea Garden |
His work includes the metal fence enclosing Tad Gormley Stadium, Woman with Bowl at a bridge
in the park, nude reliefs of female figures, garden lamp standards, garden benches and one of his last works, The
Flute Player, a bronze female figure in the Azalea Garden.

Alfarez made reliefs for a number of buildings, including the Charity Hospital Building. Here we see a 15 by 12
foot "screen" above the doors at the hospital. Around the large male figure in the center can be seen smaller images
of workers, farmers, laborers, factory workers, and people at play.
Alfarez also designed 2' x 4' x 6" reliefs for the exterior wall of the emergency entrance.
Dimensions: approximately 15’x12’x4”;
approximately 2’x12’x6”
Subjects: Above the doorway of Charity a screen
depicts several vignettes of Louisianians engaged in
various activities. The vignettes of figures are
arranged around a large male figure in the center of
the screen and depict domestic work, farming,
industry, labor and leisure, and sport and play.
The 13 reliefs include two people each playing golf,
hiking, playing baseball, flying a kite, with fishing
nets, cutting down a tree, on a ship, hauling large
loads, harvesting a crop; several people working at
desks; a woman cooking; and other scenes.
Date: 1936-1939 Medium: Limestone
Dimensions: Each relief, approximately 2’x4’x6”
Subjects: Narrow rectangular reliefs depicting scenes
of doctors at work are installed on the exterior wall
above Charity Hospital’s emergency entrance. One
relief depicts a doctor sitting at a table taking notes as
he looks through a microscope, a man and woman
stand in the background. Another relief depicts a
doctor placing a stethoscope to the chest of a kneeling
man, two figures stand in the background
Dimensions: approximately 15’x12’x4”;
approximately 2’x12’x6”
Subjects: Above the doorway of Charity a screen
depicts several vignettes of Louisianians engaged in
various activities. The vignettes of figures are
arranged around a large male figure in the center of
the screen and depict domestic work, farming,
industry, labor and leisure, and sport and play.
The 13 reliefs include two people each playing golf,
hiking, playing baseball, flying a kite, with fishing
nets, cutting down a tree, on a ship, hauling large
loads, harvesting a crop; several people working at
desks; a woman cooking; and other scenes.
Date: 1936-1939 Medium: Limestone
Dimensions: Each relief, approximately 2’x4’x6”
Subjects: Narrow rectangular reliefs depicting scenes
of doctors at work are installed on the exterior wall
above Charity Hospital’s emergency entrance. One
relief depicts a doctor sitting at a table taking notes as
he looks through a microscope, a man and woman
stand in the background. Another relief depicts a
doctor placing a stethoscope to the chest of a kneeling
man, two figures stand in the background
Dimensions: approximately 15’x12’x4”;
approximately 2’x12’x6”
Subjects: Above the doorway of Charity a screen
depicts several vignettes of Louisianians engaged in
various activities. The vignettes of figures are
arranged around a large male figure in the center of
the screen and depict domestic work, farming,
industry, labor and leisure, and sport and play.
The 13 reliefs include two people each playing golf,
hiking, playing baseball, flying a kite, with fishing
nets, cutting down a tree, on a ship, hauling large
loads, harvesting a crop; several people working at
desks; a woman cooking; and other scenes.
Date: 1936-1939 Medium: Limestone
Dimensions: Each relief, approximately 2’x4’x6”
Subjects: Narrow rectangular reliefs depicting scenes
of doctors at work are installed on the exterior wall
above Charity Hospital’s emergency entrance. One
relief depicts a doctor sitting at a table taking notes as
he looks through a microscope, a man and woman
stand in the background. Another relief depicts a
doctor placing a stethoscope to the chest of a kneeling
man, two figures stand in the background
The side of a bridge in City Park