The End of an Era -- Frostop, January 29, 2007
A last visit to the Frostop on Jefferson Highway in Jefferson, La. the day before it closed to make way for a new
A view from Jeffeson Highway. The slab in the foreground was a daiquiri shop pre-Katrina.
Looking North East.
Entrance with poster announcing the move to Destrehan.
The order counter.
Waiting at a table for the order to be completed.
Ticket for two combos.
Making my dear husband wait to eat while I shot the photo.
Making him wait some more.
Looks like the big mug is on its way to heaven but it will be moved to the new location in Destrehan.
Near River Road in the same strip, the Arrow Barber Shop. It will move across the highway.
Nicole's Restaurant closed with signs announcing its new location down the highway.
Other views (August, 2006) of this strip mall on Jefferson Highway before it was demolished.